Happy Marriage

6 Secrets For A Happy Marriage

Unfortunately, there aren’t many classes in high school or college that teach us how to be successful in long-term relationships and divorce is common. That’s regrettable, because a fulfilling relationship can contribute so much toward enjoying a happy and successful life. There are many things you can do to strengthen your marriage and help make […]

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Rekindle The Romance: How To Reconnect With Your Partner

Has the romance and passion waned in your relationship? This is a common phenomenon. After the excitement of the early phases of a relationship pass, things become routine. Luckily, however, you don’t need to resign yourself to just a ho-hum relationship. There are many way to enhance the romance in your relationship. Imagine how great […]

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You Can Still Save Your Troubled Marriage

Separations and divorces may be some of the most painful episodes one can experience in life. All of the beautiful promises, and the loftiest dreams, were wrapped up in that ceremony long ago, and you know that both of you believed every word of it at that time. And yet something went wrong and the […]

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5 Things You Can Do To Have A Fulfilling Relationship With Your Husband

Having a satisfying relationship and especially a satisfying marriage is one of the most important factors in realizing happiness and fulfillment in life. This has been shown over and over again by numerous social and psychological studies involving large numbers of people from all walks of life. A good relationship can make even the most […]

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12 Ways To Encourage Your Husband

You can enjoy greater well being and make your marriage more satisfying by helping your husband to grow and change. It turns out that you’re more likely to pursue rewarding challenges if you have a supportive partner. That’s the lesson from a recent study by Carnegie University. In this study, researchers divided couples into two […]

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Are You Concerned That Your Husband Might Cheat On You?

If you are concerned that your husband might start cheating on you, here are a few tips that can help you prevent it. Often cheating takes place because your relationship to your husband has slowly eroded away over time and is now in danger of total collapse. If you pay attention to your relationship, you […]

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Repeat These 30 Positive Affirmations To Strengthen Your Marriage

If you wish to strengthen your marriage, you and your spouse would do well to repeat the following affirmations every day until they have become a part of both of you: 1. My marriage is a priority. 2. Today I will connect with my spouse. 3.I keep my marriage strong and healthy. 4.I treat my […]

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13 Things You Can Do To Make Your Marriage Last

Having a successful marriage is similar to making a good cake: the result is 70% due to the quality of the ingredients, 25% to the skill of the cook, and 5% is just plain luck. Therefore, most of the requirements for a long and happy marriage are within your control, so it pays to work […]

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7 Secrets For A Happy Marriage

A long, successful, happy marriage is the goal of every bride and groom. However, a happy marriage doesn’t just happen: it must be created and nurtured. It takes a bit of work and it never hurts to discover some wonderful ways to enhance your marital relationship. The following suggestions are the perfect opportunity to refresh […]

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5 Simple And Scientifically Proven Ways To Make Your Marriage Stronger

You can have an amazing relationship with your partner that withstands challenges and the test of time. You can make your marriage more enjoyable, rewarding, and fulfilling. And you can do all this by creating a few positive, daily habits that support a loving relationship. Take action to strengthen your marriage: 1. Write down your […]

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