Understanding Men

Six Things You Probably Do That Scare Him Away

The beginning of a new relationship can feel intoxicating and exciting. You don’t know what the future holds, but you don’t really care either because you just can’t get enough of him. Though you don’t want to admit it, dating is really a game. If you show your cards too soon, you’ll scare him off. […]

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What Do Men Want In A Woman? Four Men Give Their Answer

We asked four different men to answer the question “What do men want in a woman?” They wrote down their own thoughts and opinions and you can read what they wrote below. The four men kept their identity private, so we shall simply call them man number one, two, three and four. Man Number One: […]

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what do men want in a relationship

What Do Men Want In A Relationship?

It’s too tempting to assume that what men want in a relationship is just sex and more sex. Well, if you add a slab of juicy steak into the mix, then men can be kept happy in a relationship. There Are So Many Ways To Make Your Relationship Better Funny anecdotes and stereotypes aside, men […]

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