What Should You Do If You Run Into Your Ex Boyfriend?

Life is full of potentially awkward situations, and running into your ex-boyfriend is certainly one of them.

Maybe you’ll see him with his new girlfriend while you’re still yearning to be with him. Or maybe you’ll find that he’s still hoping for a second chance with you while you’ve moved on.

Even if the breakup was mutual, it can still be challenging to find a new way to interact with someone you used to be close to.

Meanwhile, trying to avoid the situation could wind up making you even more anxious. Instead, use these suggestions to stay calm and walk away feeling good about yourself.

How To Prepare Yourself For An Encounter With Your Ex Boyfriend:

1. Accept your feelings. Embracing your emotions is the first step in dealing with them. Give yourself time to acknowledge and absorb what you’re going through.

2. Assess your life. Are there some aspects of your life you’ve been neglecting? The end of a relationship can be an opportunity to redirect your energy into your career or hobbies.

3. Focus on healing. The most effective way to recover from a breakup is to explore new interests and set goals that will motivate you to keep striving.

4. Practice forgiveness. An important part of healing is forgiving yourself as well as your ex. Take responsibility for your actions and use what you’ve learned to make your next relationship healthier.

If you’re holding any resentment for your former boyfriend, talk it over with a supportive friend or write it out in a journal. Then, switch your attention to your own future.

5. Take care of yourself. Bumping into your ex will be easier if you’re in top condition. Eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly, and get adequate sleep. You may even want to treat yourself to a makeover.

6. Rehearse your reaction. Once you’re feeling more secure, choose how you want to handle any contacts with your ex boyfriend. Imagine what would give you closure and what you’d want to say to him. It can be a helpful exercise regardless of whether real events turn out like you thought.

How To Handle An Encounter With Your Ex Boyfriend:

7. Keep it simple. You can be cordial without engaging in a deep conversation. Unless you both want to reconnect, exchanging friendly greetings may be all that’s required.

8. Exude confidence. Stand up tall and smile. It will help you to think clearly and look poised even if you feel shaky inside.

9. Think positive. Remember the things you used to like about him. An accidental meeting in a grocery store could be a chance to reinforce your happy memories. On the other hand, if you feel uncomfortable, you’ll be able to see the issues that you still need to address.

10. Stay in touch. If you find yourself wanting to reconnect, take it slowly. Following up with an occasional phone call or text will help you to decide if there’s any potential to start seeing each other again.

11. Respect your boundaries. It’s your decision how much time and information you want to share with your ex. You may want to hang out together, and let him know about what’s new in your life. Or you may just want to wish him well and say goodbye.

12. Call a friend. If you need some encouragement and support, let a good friend know. Speaking with a professional counselor could also promote the healing process.

Bumping into your ex boyfriend can stir up a lot of emotions, but you can also use the experience as an opportunity to learn and grow.

You may be able to make peace with your past and gain more perspective about yourself and your relationships.